Cost Centres

Cost Centres

Cost Centres

Cost Centres were designed to restrict access and visibility between different divisions of the same company. Users can be assigned a Cost Centre, and they will only have access to the Assets assigned to the same Cost Centres.

Cost Centres can be applied to the following items in the Trackmatic platform:

  • Users,
  • Assets,
  • Locations,
  • Alerts.

An Example 

As an example, let's assume that Client "Example Inc" has branches in two European countries, namely the UK and France. Let's also assume that they have depots in London, Newcastle, Paris and Marseille. Each depot in each city manages their own fleet of vehicles. Each depot in turn is managed by a division that covers a specific country. All of the different divisions are in turn managed by the head office, based in London.

An organization chart for the company would look something like this:

Each block in the diagram is a separate unit within the company that is responsible to the block above it in the tree.

The requirement from the Client is the following:

  • Users in the city divisions should only see their own Assets, i.e. a User in the London depot should not be able to see where the Assets in the Newcastle or Paris depots are.
  • Management in the United Kingdom branch must be able to see where the London and Newcastle Assets are, but not any of the Assets in the French division.
  • Top management at Example Inc must be able to see where any of their Assets are, regardless of country or city.

Visibility of Cost Centres for Users 

In the platform, Cost Centre visibility runs from bottom up. User higher up in the tree see everything below them.

  • Users in the London cost centre can only see Assets that have been assigned to the London Cost Centre.
  • Users in the United Kingdom can see Assets assigned to the London and Newcastle Cost Centres (and also Assets assigned directly to the United Kingdom Cost Centre), but not any Assets that fall under the France Cost Centre.
  • Users in the root Example Inc Cost Centre can see ALL Assets.
  • Note that administrators can also see all Assets, regardless of their Cost Centre assignment.

Visibility of Cost Centres for Locations

Location Cost Centre visibility is slightly different:
  • Locations assigned to the Global Cost Centre will be visible to everyone in the platform. This allows higher management to create Locations that are relevant to everybody in the organization.
  • Locations created in the United Kingdom Cost Centre will be visible to the Global, United Kingdom, London and Newcastle Cost Centres.
  • Locations created in the London Cost Centre will be visible to the Global, United Kingdom and London Cost Centres, but not to the Newcastle Cost Centre.

Visibility of Cost Centres for Alerts

Alerts in a specific Cost Centre will only apply to Assets lower down in the tree. Thus an Alert in the London Cost Centre will apply only to London Assets. Alerts created in a specific Cost Centre are visible to everyone on that specific branch.


  • An Alert assigned to the Global Cost Centre will be visible to everyone in the system and apply to all Assets in the platform. This allows higher management to create Alerts that are relevant to everybody in the organization.
  • An Alert created in the United Kingdom Cost Centre will be visible to the Global, United Kingdom, London and Newcastle Cost Centres and apply only to the vehicles in the United Kingdom, London and Newcaste Cost Centres.
  • An Alert created in the London Cost Centre will be visible to the Global, United Kingdom and London Cost Centres, but not to the Newcastle Cost Centre. It will only apply to the London Cost Centre Assets.

Creating Cost Centres

To Create a new Cost Centre Structure, first decide how this will look in a tree format, then follow the below:

Navigate to Administration then click on the Cost Centres folder in the applicable Client.

Right click on the Default folder. Choose Create Child to create a New Cost Centre under the Default folder.

Rename the Folder in the text box that appears. Save this by entering the information.

Continue adding new Folders, either as Children of the Folders created, or After those created. Once chosen where to create these, enter a name and enter this information. 

Cost Centres are applied to Users, Assets, Locations and Alerts when creating or editing them. 

Please Note: 

When deleting an asset, etc always be sure to un-assign everything from it first.

The reason Cost Centres are unable to delete is usually because there are still assets, alerts, zones or users assigned to them.

These assets, users and zones that are assigned could also be previously deleted ones. You will need to check these.

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